Within the EUSAIR Stakeholder Platform, Marche Region, Italian project partner of the project “Facility Point-Supporting the Governance of the EUSAIR”, is pleased to invite you to three ONLINE EVENTS on the themes of CONNECTIVITY.

Connectivity as transports and infrastructures, Connectivity as sustainable Adrion-Ionian cycling route and Connectivity as digital innovation for effective solutions to Covid-19 pandemic.



  • 15/12/2020 (h. 10:00-13:00)


The Webinar, organized in collaboration with Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Cities (FAIC), will analyze the future geo-political scenarios and economic structural changes, with a particular focus on the central role of infrastructural, energetic, transportation and logistics networks. During the event the priorities identified for EUSAIR Pillar 2, Transport Subgroup, for the EU programming period 2021-2027 will be shared.
The second panel of the webinar will explain the proposals for Pillar 2 on the coastal territories of Adriatic-Ionian area, with a focus on Italy and the role of Marche Region.


  • 16/12/2020 (h. 09:00-13:30)

WORKSHOP: ADRIONCYCLETOUR: an integrated project for the Adriatic-Ionian Region cycle routes

The Workshop, organized in collaboration with the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Pillar 2 – Transport subgroup, as part of the activities envisaged by the EUSAIR WorkPlan 2020 TSG 2”- Transport subgroup. The ADRIONCYCLETOUR project, identified as a Flagship project (priority) by the Governing Board of EUSAIR wants to develop the ADRIATIC-IONIAN CYCLE ROUTE  which consist of: the cycle lane that runs along the entire coast of all the EUSAIR countries from Italy to Greece (coastal cycle route); its main connections, suitable for cycling, with the internal areas of the EUSAIR countries (cycle lanes of inland penetration).
The purpose of the event is the presentation of the cycle lanes already planned and partly built or in design, which may be part of the ADRIATIC-IONIC cycle route; information will also be collected on technical guidelines for evaluating cycle routes in EUSAIR countries and on funding currently available for their construction in the project area


  • 17/12/2020 (h. 10:00 – 12:30)


This webinar, organized in collaboration with the Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce, is designed to present and discuss effective local solutions to Covid-19 pandemic in the intersection between connectivity, digital innovation, and novel social policies. The future of innovation policies in the EUSAIR area will feature a series of challenges which address development issues related to digitization, blue and green economy, tourism, and wellbeing. The program includes both EU and EUSAIR policy overview and best practice sessions taught by experienced policy makers, med-tech, social-tech, digital technologies, and impact professionals.


Don’t miss this opportunity and  REGISTER HERE!

*** Please be advised that in order to receive the connection link it is mandatory to be registered to the ESP Platform (EUSAIR Stakeholder Platform) 

A joint meeting among the AII Slovenian Chairmanship, the AII Permanent Secretariat and the three Fora of Civil Society (Chambers of Commerce, Cities and Universities) took place online on December 9th 2020.

The event has been an opportunity to exchange views on topics and issues of common interest, on the future of regional cooperation in our Region as well as an opportunity to deepen the cooperation between the Fora of Civil Society and the current Slovenian Chairmanship of the Adriatic Ionian Initiative.

The Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Università Politecnica delle Marche in collaboration with REDETE (Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies) organises a workshop on the implementation of the Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) in the Adriatic-Ionian Macro-regional Strategy (EUSAIR) on 27 October 27 2020 at 10.00 am on the EUSAIR Stakeholder Platform.

The event is planned as continuation of the previous Meeting of EU Strategy for Adriatic-Ionian Region Smart Specialization representatives, organised within Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2020 on 23-24 September 2020.

Ambassador Pigliapoco, AII Senior Advisor, will intervene at 10.10-10.20 with a speech on "From the Adriatic Ionian Initiative to EUSAIR: a path to integration and reconciliation in the Balkan area".


The meeting is aiming at exchanging experiences and views on how to build synergies and embed cooperation in the overlap between the EUSAIR pillars and the areas of specialisation defined within S3. It also aims at discussing the methodology adopted for the design and implementation of S3 in EUSAIR regions and countries. In recent years, S3 has become a guiding concept to make the EU more cohesive and, at the same time, to foster regions’ competitiveness. However, while Europe was close to make the next step towards more smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, the CoVID-19 crisis now represents a serious challenge for its present and future. In the current debate on post 2020, it would be important to capitalise on the two pillars of the ongoing policy programmes: the transnational macro-regional strategies and the research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation. The workshop will address both the theoretical underpinnings of these two strategies as well as the problems arising from their practical implementation. It will review the experiences in the integration of the two programs and explore future challenges and potentials.


The workshop will bring together researchers, practitioners and policy makers to exchange experiences and views on the role, the actual implementation and future opportunities of S3 in the context of the EUSAIR. The attendance to the seminar is free of charge, but participants are kindly requested to register as soon as possible on the EUSAIR Stakeholders Platform: http://esp.aimacroregion.eu/.

For more information check out the agenda of the event!

The AII Round Table on Inter-University Cooperation in the Adriatic and Ionian Region, organized by the AII Slovenian Chairmanship in cooperation with UNIADRION and the AII Permanent Secretariat, will take place on the 17th of November 2020, h.14.00 - 16.00 (online).

During the Round Table participants will discuss the present situation and future perspectives of higher education challenges and responses in Covid time within the Adriatic Ionian Region.

Si rinnova l’appuntamento con le buone pratiche di protezione civile, per scoprire cosa ciascuno può fare sul fronte della prevenzione e in situazioni di emergenza.

Domenica 11 ottobre torna, anche nelle Marche, in 22 piazze (di cui 21 virtuali), la decima edizione “Io non rischio” che apre la seconda Settimana nazionale della protezione civile. Saranno sette giorni di eventi e iniziative, a livello nazionale e locale, in cui i cittadini potranno conoscere, più da vicino, il servizio nazionale della protezione civile.

A causa delle limitazioni imposte dal Covid-19, quella del 2020 sarà un’edizione che cambia veste, sviluppandosi attraverso allestimenti in spazi fisici e digitali. Ad Ancona, dalle ore 9.00 alle 18.30, in Piazza Roma, i volontari Vab (Vigilanza antincendi boschivi), il Gruppo comunale di protezione civile e l’Agesci allestiranno uno spazio informativo, mentre in altre 21, seguendo l’hashtag #iononrischio2020, sarà possibile apprendere on line i corretti comportamenti da tenere durante le emergenze. I comuni coinvolti attraverso i canali i social saranno, nell’Anconetano: Falconara Marittima, Jesi, Monte San Vito, Montemarciano. Nell’Ascolano: Ascoli Piceno, Grottammare, San Benedetto del Tronto. Nel Fermano: Fermo, Montefalcone Appennino, Montegiorgio, Porto San Giorgio. Nel Maceratese: Caldarola/Belforte del Chienti/Camporotondo di Fiastrone/Cessapalombo /Serrapetrona/Tolentino (piazza virtuale unica), Esanatoglia, Macerata, Mogliano, Monte San Giusto, Montelupone, Recanati. Nel Pesarese e Urbinate: Cartoceto, Fermignano, Monte Grimano Terme. I volontari e le volontarie di protezione civile diffonderanno la cultura della prevenzione, sensibilizzando i propri cittadini sul rischio sismico, sulle alluvioni e maremoti.

La campagna 2020, a livello nazionale, coinvolge oltre novemila volontari e volontarie appartenenti a 972 associazioni, tra sezioni locali delle organizzazioni nazionali di volontariato, gruppi comunali e associazioni territoriali di tutte le regioni d’Italia. Per quanto riguarda le Marche, impegna duecento volontari comunicatori, appartenenti ad almeno trenta organizzazioni di volontariato che, da agosto, sono stati formati da una squadra di nove volontari formatori, per un totale di circa duemila ore formative.

Sul sito ufficiale della campagna, www.iononrischio.it, è possibile consultare i materiali informativi su cosa sapere e cosa fare prima, durante e dopo un terremoto, un maremoto, un’alluvione e sul rischio vulcanico ai Campi Flegrei.