Avviso di selezione di una unità di personale nell'ambito dell'Iniziativa AI-NURECC - Recruitment in the framework of the AI-NURECC Initiative

Scadenza 28 novembre 2018 (in Italian Language only)

Uniadrion con determinazione n. 1 del 24 ottobre 2018 ha reso noto un avviso pubblico di selezione per l’assunzione di un assistente tecnico-amministrativo in materia di politiche e progetti europei, relazioni e comunicazione internazionale nell’ambito del progetto europeo AI-NURECC – contratto a tempo determinato ed a tempo pieno.

La Segreteria di Uniadrion è a disposizione per eventuali informazioni ai seguenti recapiti:

Via Menicucci, 6 (terzo piano) – 60121 Ancona – Tel. 071/2203020

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare il seguente link: http://www.uniadrion.net/?q=node/42

The 1st Joint Conference of the Fora of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce, Cities and Universities: “ROOTS and PATHS - Past, Present and Future for the Adriatic-Ionian Region” will take place from the 16th until the 18th of October in Split (Croatia) at Radisson Blue Resort  in the framework of the AI-NURECC initiative.

For more information please check the following website:  http://www.forumaic.org/events/reservation-1st-fora/

Check the draft agenda here: http://www.forumaic.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Agenda_Joint-Fora-event_Split_draft_28.9.2018-1.pdf

The sixth edition of the sport and cultural event "We, playing for the Adriatic and Ionian Macro Region" took place in Ancona on 4 and 5 September. The tournament dedicated to the Macroregion aims to raise awareness among young people on the theme of the Macro-region of which the IAI for almost two decades, with the "Ancona Declaration" of May 2000, it is promoter and forerunner.

The event is a football tournament between Italian and Croatian teams under 13 aimed at fostering friendship and supporting the process of cohesion among the two shore of the Adriatic through sport. A project that combines Sport, Dialogue, Culture and Education to the European Citizenship, values that the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative has always promoted.

The award ceremony took place on 5 September at the presence of the Ambassador Fabio Pigliapoco, AII-PS Senior Advisor, Valeria Mancinelli, Mayor of Ancona, Rodolfo Giampieri, President of the Central Adriatic Port Authority and other institutional partners.

The first Committee of Senior Officials under the AII Montenegrin Chairmanship will take place on 3 October in Podgorica, in the framework of the 8th EUSAIR Governing Board.

The calendar of events and the priorities of the year of Chairmanship will be presented together with a programme of activities of the Permanent Secretariat.

Furthermore, the Committee of Senior Officials will be the occasion to appoint the Senior Official by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

The Adriatic Mediterranean Festival - the cultural festival gathering in Ancona a number of musicians, writers and artists coming from all over the Adriatic-Ionian Region and the Mediterranean - took place from Wednesday 29 August to Saturday 1 September in Ancona.

The Mediterranean Adriatic Prize, which is awarded every year to the personalities who commit themselves to culture and rights in the Mediterranean and the Balkans, in 2018, is attributed to the Syrian pianist Aeham Ahmad. The award aims to be a recognition of the value of culture and art as an element of peace and knowledge, even in the most critical and desperate situations.

The Award ceremony took place at the seat of the Permanent Secretariat of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative on Wednesday 29 August (h. 6.30 p.m.) in the presence of AII Secretary General, Amb. Giovanni Castellaneta.

For more information about the festival, visit the official website http://www.adriaticomediterraneo.eu