The first AII Committee of Senior Officials under Bosnia and Herzegovina Chairmanship will take place in Sarajevo and via videoconference on October 5, from 18.00 to 19.00 (CEST), at the end of the Technical Meeting of EUSAIR National Coordinators.
The Calendar of events and the priorities of the current year (1 June 2020 – 31 May 2021) of the AII BiH Chairmanship will be presented together with a Programme of activities of the Permanent Secretariat.
Senior Officials will be also informed on the outcome of the call for applications related to the AII Scholarships for international students at the Marche Polytechnic University and on the most recent events organized with the support of the AII Permanent Secretariat.
The 9th REDETE Conference 2022, named “Present and future challenges in regional development in the Adriatic-Ionian Region” will take place on September 15-16, 2022 in Ancona (Italy), within the framework of the AII Chairmanship of Bosnia and Herzegovina, organized by the Marche Polytechnic University in cooperation with the University of Banja Luka and the AII Permanent Secretariat.
REDETE (Researching Entrepreneurship and Economic Development) is a professional network of academics, businesspersons and professionals in the Western Balkan region producing, in cooperation with many other international institutions, applied research on the impacts of globalisation and European integration on local Balkan communities. Among others, its professional activities contribute to the reconciliation of ethnic and religious communities of the region following the conflicts of the 1990s. REDETE provides synergies between the local government, graduate students and SMEs. In this respect, it acts as a catalyst between the public and the private sectors of the economy by way of developing synergies between them and the higher education sector. REDETE's annual conference, founded in 2011 with the aim to (re)launch debates and scholarly research on issues concerning economic development in transition countries, has now moved onto a more complex and rewarding role, benefitting local communities, government, business, students and academics.
The 9th REDETE Conference
The Western Balkan region is part of the European Union Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) launched in 2014, a long-term strategic policy framework aiming to promote economic and social prosperity in the region by improving its attractiveness, competitiveness, and connectivity. The Region is facing unprecedented challenges, from the post-pandemic recovery to the green and digital revolutions, which are increasing disparities between central and peripheral regions and between urban and inland areas. After eight years of implementation, it is time for a first evaluation of EUSAIR results and for proposing new development trajectories for the Adriatic-Ionian Regions and its inner areas.
The aim of the 9th REDETE Conference is to encourage researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to contribute to our understanding of the challenges faced by countries and regions to promote economic development and regional integration.
Topics of interest include:
Entrepreneurship and innovation: new firm formation and firm dynamics; university-industry collaboration; academic entrepreneurship; innovation in transition economies; entrepreneurial and SMEs financing.
Regional development: clustering and networking; interfirm relations; regional innovation ecosystems; foreign direct investments; role of banks and financial markets; role of infrastructure.
Cohesion policy and European identity: population dynamics; social policy, poverty, and exclusion; legal systems, corruption, and inequality; EU cohesion policy.
The political economy of ethnic reconciliation in the Western Balkans: public policy and welfare state regimes in the region; building a multi-faith society across borders; integration and social tolerance; sustainable economic development and public policy models.
Migration: migrant and refugee crises; migrant socio-economic integration; brain drain; remittances; return migration; migrant entrepreneurship; migration policies.
Please find here the Agenda of the event.
For further information please visit the official website:
The Adriatic Ionian Initiative Permanent Secretariat offers 10 two-years scholarships, financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which will be granted to students coming from the Adriatic-Ionian region and the Western Balkans for enrolment in one of the five master's degree courses taught in English at the Marche Polytechnic University (International Economics and Commerce, Biomedical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Food and Beverage Innovation and Management, Green Industrial Engineering).
Each scholarship amounts to € 6.000,00, gross of all charges for the beneficiary’s account.
The deadline for the submission of the applications is set on 8 July 2022 at 13.00 a.m. CET.
Applications shall be submitted by accessing the online admission procedure under “International - Opportunities for international students – Scholarships for international students” at the following link:
Please find here the call for applications:
Further information can be found at the following link:
The meeting of the Council of Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative and European Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR) was held on May 16th in Tirana within the larger framework of the 7th EUSAIR annual Forum, concluding the successful one-year Albanian Chairmanship of these regional mechanisms (1 June 2021-31 May 2022).
Read more: Adriatic Ionian Council / EUSAIR Ministerial Meeting - Tirana, 16 May 2022
On 5-6 May 2022, the Albanian National Assembly hosted in Tirana the 18th Conference of the Presidents/Speakers of Parliaments of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative (AII), organised in the framework of Albania’s one-year AII Chairmanship (from June 2021 to May 2022).